Thursday 8 November 2012

The Brief

This is the brief that I am going to be working to for the duration of this project. It has been set by Paul Taylor, an employee for Complex development projects ( This relationship has come about because I was initially interested in the architecture of the street. There is a large contrast between the old historic architecture that dates back to the medieval times and the new architecture and design (the new shops). I actually started this project because I thought that the new architecture destroys the beauty of the history, but as I am exploring the street I am realizing that there is so much more to the street than initially meets the eye. This is why I visited the development complex of Far Gosford Street, because I wanted more insight into the work that was being completed. The person that I am in contact with and producing work for is very laid back about his approach to the work that I output. I pretty much have complete reign over all of the design decisions, as long as they convey the messages that are in the brief. I want to work to a brief like this because it is so challenging. The contrast between the history and the new design and vision is going to be extremely hard to convey, particularly in a good light (as Far Gosford Street currently does not have a very good reputation for itself). There are key words that were repeated in the lengthy discussion that I had with Paul that I need to convey in my work. 
  • Creative- There is lots of emphasis placed on the new creative business that the project is aiming to attract. There is going to be a lot of work invested in artists to work on the street and make it look more colourful and inviting. The emphasis for business is on new independent trade rather than large organisations and lots of profit. Nice design and art will be appreciated. 
  • History- Paul is so passionate about the history of the street, and therefore I need to represent this in my work. I love the history too. There is so much to discover. I've had a guided walk of the street which has taught me so much about the original features of the street (which I will discuss in a later post). They are the features that gives Far Gosford Street its originality and attractiveness. 
  • Beauty- The project focus is going to be on looking at things in a different or unusual way. This means taking things that would normally be seen as ugly and looking at aspects that are beautiful about them. The perception of the street is key in this project. People who walk the street consider it to be run down, they do not consider where the street originates and how it is being developed. It is one of the only streets in Coventry not to have been bombed in the blitz, and it is this that I want to educate people with.