Wednesday 24 April 2013

Final patterns

This is one of the final pattern ideas I have created out of one of the symbols. I really like it. It is quite an intricate repeated pattern. I am going to define that the artist using the stencil can do anything that he likes with it so long as he does not alter the origional stencil shape in any way. Here, I have overlapped the stencil and rotated it and the final pattern is very interesting indeed. I think that it is the right feel for an artizan quarter. The pattern has a handmade quality to it- it is not perfect in construction but I like that. Also, the pattern has an element of sophistication about it- it is not going to make Fargo Village look like a toy town. I have added a light texture to the pattern. 

This is another final pattern idea that I have created from one of my stencils. Below- I love the way that the rough edges to the lines are highlighted when the shapes overlap and are tessellated. I create 
new shapes and pattern. Also, I think it is effective that non of the shapes are symmetrical. 

I have also come up with a new way of working for producing the numbers that will go onto each Warehouse. I am going to define that the stencils for the numbers are to be created by the artist creating the pattern. They may be influenced from any number on Far Gosford Street for the creation of this stencil, providing that the number has reference to the history of Far Gosford Street. I will define a general size that the numbers should be in my examples of warehouse designs. The number is to be printed in black onto the building and the type style used must have a decent amount of weight to it, so that it stands out against the pattern it will be placed onto. 

Above are two examples of using the patterns that you can create with the stencils on the walls of Fargo Village. At the moment, the warehouses are in the transitiional stages between being renovated and them still being used for storage for companies so the place is very messy. There are only a few walls which are clean and which have the possibility of digital editing. This is one of them. I have experimented with two ideas for backgrounds to the stencil. I think that if I put a dark background onto all of the walls of Fargo Village, because it is a contained area you would be surrounded by dark colours. I want the atmosphere of Fargo Village to be uplifting- a nice place to be and to spend time in. A dark background would create an oppressive overall feel. 

Final Examples

These are the final examples that I am going to use to construct my sheets which outlines the design process of the buildings. The numbers have been placed onto the warehouses so that the artist can get a feel for a correct size and positioning of the number, though the actual number form is completely up to the artist creating the pattern  (as already defined). I have also created a slightly off white background colour to the patterns, it is a cream colour that just gives them a slightly more sophisticated feel. 

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