Thursday 18 April 2013

The final delivery of idea

These are the final sheets that I have constructed which outline the concept for the process of designing the warehouse surfaces in Fargo Village. It includes the colour scheme, the stencils and how the stencils should be used, the logo type, and examples of correct application of stencils. I am very happy with this project outcome. It has involved a lot of work but I think that the end result is a way of making Fargo Village really something special.  The stencils reflect the history of the street, but the way that the stencils are used to create patterns reflect this new, exciting vision. The patterns have a hand-crafted feel that is perfect for an artisan style shopping experience. The concept gets the community involved which the developers are keen to do. I am going to make an appointment to see the developers of Fargo Village to show them this concept. Though they cant make any changes now to the decision of the design of Fargo Village, I think that they will be interested to see another interpretation of the area. 

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