Tuesday 15 January 2013

Initial photos

I have started to take photos of the street, looking at the architecture that I am interested in and the historical features that most appeal to me. I think this is a decent starting point for the project. 

Modern signage against historic architecture and features is seen everywhere. I am trying to sum up the feel of the street and everything that I am trying to represent in one image in the next few images. 

Photos like this really do sum up the overall feel of the street which does still convey a feeling of forgotten and run down. However, I am going to be highlighting the future and the history of Far Gosford Street, so I am going to try and stay away from photos like this. What is interesting though is the windows and the roof of the building. This is something that I should explore later. 

This image is more satirical than  suggestive of interesting historic against modern features. I found it funny that there is an original plaque from 1925 and a tall TV arial above it. 

The street is already taking an active interest in its rich and interesting history. This is an old representation of the street before its modernization  I am actually really interested in this image. I like the sketched etch look, I think etchings scream history and old representation. 

I love the angles in this image that is created by the old street sign and the new shop sign. There is strong horizontals and verticals that would make a good image as a front cover of something maybe?

They have just started to commission artists to produce work for the street, this is a painting that is down the street between two historic buildings (I am not sure of why they have painted an extension of the houses and the street, perhaps it is the artists vision of the street in the future?)

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