Thursday 14 March 2013

branding development

This is the development work for my initial concept for the branding of Fargo Village.

The background pattern here derives from a pattern that I found on the top of a wall in Far Gosford Street. I thought that the stone shapes were interesting. I definately think that this pattern needs development because at the moment it is not very visually dynamic. It is just a series of circles repeated. 

This was an idea where I would place a large letter in the typeface that I have designed onto the front of the warehouses as a way of catagorising them. I really dont think that this idea is successful, but it was worth a try. There is too much going on in the letterform and it becomes very confusing. Plus the texture I have put over it is too large which doesnt help. Its starting to look a little child like and a little circus like. 

I do quite like where this idea is going. It has reference to both the Industrial Victorian steriotypical signage and also the modern reinvented pattern. 

Here, I have started putting colour into the work. I have created an arrow as a sign that would be placed near Fargo Village to direct people to the site. I could create a range of these with different patterns and designs. The text is the typeface that I developed but without the drop shadow. I actually think that this typeface works really well. It is structurally sound, easy to read and has a contemporary feel to it. I am trying to create an asymmetrical feel to the layout of the type, hence why it is right aligned. 

I do not like the idea here of putting colour in the drop shadow of the name Fargo Village. This is overcomplicating the idea far too much. 

This is a mock up of one of the warehouses and an example of where I could place the pattern. I have also created a seating area outside the warehouse that could be created out of plastic/cast and that match the pattern on the building. Each building could have a different pattern and colour and this could be the way that they are visually separated, rather than having a large name across the front. 

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