Wednesday 6 March 2013

Initial development of patterns/concepts

This shows my thinking process and development to one of the patterns that I am creating. Fargo Village has historic houses with really interesting roof guttering/underlining (I am not sure of the technical term). I replicated this through vector imagery and then starting experimenting with repeating it, deleting areas of design and playing around with divide tools and merge tools in illustrator until I was happy with the end product/pattern. I quite like the black and yellow ochre coloured pattern, second from the bottom. I think this is getting somewhere. Perhaps I could put these patterns under the roof edge of the warehouses in Fargo Village? Then I would really be bringing the history of Far Gosford Street into the design of Fargo Village, though I worry that this would perhaps suggest that I am being ironic. As I have said before, I do not want Fargo Village to start looking like a toy town. 

This is another attempt at the same process. This time has not been as successful, the final pattern lacks the conviction of an interesting repeated pattern. 

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