Wednesday 6 February 2013

Complete Rethink and a refocus on the project

I have been thinking about what I want from this project, and so far I do not think that I have achieved what I set out to achieve for myself. Everything that I wanted to do for the client that I was working for is now complete. Paul has had a multi-page handout that can be reproduced on a photocopier and a series of posters. However, this work was very restrictive. Also, it was not what I wanted to do so I did not feel inspired by the project outline. I like the comparison between the old and the new, so I will continue thinking about Far Gosford Street and Fargo Village in this way. However, I need a new direction. I do not want to further develop the brochure or posters that I was producing for advertsiement of Far Gosford Street. I want to turn my attention to Fargo Village, the contained area of warehouses that they are renovating. Because I have completed the work for Paul, I can write myself a completely new brief that focuses on this renovation. I still have all of the research that I have already competed and I still want to incorporate the history of Far Gosford Street in some way.

The New Project Brief

What I am particularly interested in is the whole branding of the new Fargo Village. I think that although it is designed aesthetically and it suggests what is coming it does not capture the history of Far Gosford Street and the origionality that the developers want to bring to Fargo Village. Therefore, I am going to re-design the branding and advertisement of Fargo Village. I am going to look at the warehouses that they are renovating, and I am going to try and capture both the history of the street but also the new exciting vision (the research on Brick Lane is particularly interesting to me as they are trying to be like this, the new exciting vibrant place to be. I will still be taking influence from this street when completing this project). Colour will be a particularly important aspect of my redesign. I have had a long while to consider how I wish to do this, and I have a clear focus and action plan for completing this work.
I am going to take the patterns from the historic features of Far Gosford Street and make them into a new, interesting pattern. I do not want this to look like floral patterns (like a laura ashley design) instead I want it to look 'cool' and trendy, a fun place to be part of and to be involved in. This will form the basis to the rebranding of Fargo Village. Two artists that initially jump out at me are Richard Woods and Alan Fletcher. Therefore, this is where I will start with the research for the new take on the brief.

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