Friday 8 February 2013

Fargo Village

This is a panaramic view of the buildings faces that are in the 'to be' Fargo Village area. I simply took all of the buildings (and side of buildings) face on. The problem that I had was that firstly, it was taken whilst there was quite a few cars there. This was unnavoidable because it was the only time of day that I could get into Coventry. The other problem was the width of lens and the distance that I could get from the buildings. Because I could not stand far back from them (the area is contained) I had to use an 18mm width lens, meaning that I got distortion on some of the buildings because of perspective. However, I plan to take these photos into illustrator and create line drawings of an interpritation of the buildings that are in Fargo Village. The buildings will not change too much when they redevelop them for Fargo Village, so it is fitting that I do not make too many changes to them too. Instead, I am just going to trace the outlines of the buildings, removing any feature that will obveously be removed, such as the old battered staircase down the side of one of the warehouse styled buildings. Hopefully then I should have a flatplan of all the buildings that will make Fargo Village that I can add my suface patterns too.

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