Thursday 28 February 2013

The typeface in illustrator

I have started to put my typeface into illustrator. To do this, I have created a grid that is constructed by 2mm intervals, like the gridded paper that I used to design the typeface by hand. This will create a digital typeface that relates directly to the typeface that I have designed by hand.

This is me initially experimenting with the typeface and a logo. I wanted to quickly design a logo to get a general feel for the typeface in digital form and see if it was working. I believe that it is. I quite like the condensed feel and slightly high x-hheight. However, I am not sure about the drop shadow. I think that it looks a little weak and appologetic. So does the word 'village', but this is early days and just an initial concept. I do not know why I have not put the drop shadow lines on the g or o. I have added a texture over the image to make it look like the type has been printed. In actual fact, the texture should have been created using a white fill, but this is something that I can experiment with in future designs. I think that the type is looking balanced and clean. 

The entire digitalised typeface- Capital letters

I am going to show the alphabet letting but also the grid lines and the guides that I used to cosntruct the type. 

I then put a drop shadow on this typeface. I decided that I no longer like the single line drop shadow, so I have created a drop shadow which is fuller and has perspective lines. 

I am now going to use this typeface to experiment with possible logos and the creation of patterns. 

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